Plumbers & Builders Supplies

“A major whole­saler and retail­er of a exten­sive range of plumb­ing and hard­ware prod­ucts in Port Mores­by, Lae and Rabaul.”

About Us

Plumbers & Builders Sup­plies (‘PBS’) is a major whole­saler and retail­er of an exten­sive range of plumb­ing and hard­ware prod­ucts in Port Mores­by, Lae and Rabaul. From each store the team can pro­vide advice and mate­ri­als for any project type from small home projects to major works, such as motels and ware­hous­es. PBS sup­plies can help with all build­ing / main­te­nance mate­ri­als supply.

The exten­sive prod­uct line includes a full range of the fol­low­ing below:

The prod­ucts are of great qual­i­ty at attrac­tive prices, with most con­form­ing to Aus­tralian and New Zealand standards.

The POM store incor­po­rates the Paint Cen­tre which is a unique con­cept in the PNG mar­ket. There you’ll find a range of paints includ­ing marine, and auto­mo­tive paints. Focus is on sell­ing “PNG Made” Paints.